Lewis the Best of times

Created by alan hurd 10 years ago
Ironically one of my favorite times with Lewis was after Margaret's Funeral, I volunteered to stay with Lewis for 3-4 days I believe, we talked and talked. I think I managed to get many memories from him about the war. This was helped by a Chunnel Train/Coach trip to Boulogne, where we saw bomb craters in fields, restored German Gun emplacements and a small town, where the RAF had bombed in-advertently, but then later donated money to rebuild the Church with a most extraordinary stained glass window (sorry forgot the name). We thoroughly enjoyed the day, I remember interpreting for Lewis in the Restaurant for Lunch. Surprisingly he finished his plate (He was always particular about what he would and wouldn't eat)I think he was pleasantly surprised by the French preparation and taste, as much as I was relieved he found something to eat! Back at Hawkinge we had the "Man Cave" in full swing, we prepared dinner, Hit the pub across the road, then back for cheese and biscuits and whiskey's into the early am with more reminiscences. When I wrote my essay about a hero, Lewis was willing and open to me interviewing him over the phone and filling in some of the details I was hazy on. Again we established a close relationship as I was on the phone for hours with him taking notes. When I sent him a copy of the finished essay, he admonished me for including the section after the war when he became uncomfortable settling in one place and would have the urge to move on - he requested it remain secret until after he passed. He described my writing as like a magazine article! I never knew if that meant he approved or not! Such sweet memories my Dear Uncle, Such sweet memories! Alan Hurd